May 12, 2012

  • The less you care, the happier you’ll be

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    The best way to fight negative feelings is to surround yourself with positive people.

    You should chase whatever it is that excites you. Be confident and take risks.

    Sometimes words are not enough to make someone feel that you care for them. Sometimes, it needs a little effort to convince them you really care.

    Sometimes people decide to just be friends, even if their feeling is mutual. Not because love is hard to sustain, but because commitment complicates everything.

    Be proud of every scar on your heart, each one holds a lifetime’s worth of lessons.

    To anyone that ever told you you’re no good, they’re no better.

    Learn from the mistakes of others. You don’t have time to make them all yourself.

    Never let people get to you. The way I see it, they can’t pull the trigger if you don’t hand them the gun.

    But the struggles make you stronger and the changes make you wise. And happiness has its own way of taking its sweet time.

    Nothing ever happens like you imagine it will. But then again, if you don’t imagine, nothing ever happens.

    Forget about the bad times, Remember all the good. Love with all your heart, Live for what you could. Give what you don’t need, hold on tightly to what you do. Don’t lose yourself, it’s way to easy to do.

    It is only when you have lost everything that you are free to do anything.

    Find someone who know your weaknesses but never takes advantage of you.  Someone who knows the mistakes you made and never judges you.  Find that person, they are someone worth loving.

    If you’re lucky enough to find someone that can make you feel like the best thing in the whole wide world, don’t be dumb enough to take it for granted. Stick with them, fight for them, and never let them go.

    When you like someone, you start to notice every single detail about them, no matter how small they may be.

    I never understood the whole “opposites attract” phrase. If two people are different and have different interests, why would they get along so well? But then I thought about it. “I love you for everything I’m not.” So, basically, two opposite people come together to fill in the missing parts of themselves.

    Not caring about what people think was the best change I’ve ever made.

    Sometimes your heart knows things your mind can’t explain.

    Everyone wants what they can’t have. But if you begin to love what you have, you won’t need anything else.

    We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets. 

    Instead of wasting your time, texting him, wanting him to respond. Start wasting your time forgetting him, he’ll wonder where you’ve gone.

    Maybe it did take a crisis to get to know yourself; maybe you needed to get whacked hard by life before you understood what you wanted out of it.

    Listen to what your heart feels not what your mind says.

    Always remember that just because you have feelings for someone doesn’t mean they are obligated to feel the same.

    Strength isn’t about how much you can handle before you break. It’s about how much you can handle after you break.

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