July 29, 2012

  • Happy Sunday

    I may still not know what I want to be when I grow up, but I do know that someday I want to live in a house filled with my books and travel souvenirs. And the walls that aren’t covered in bookshelves will be covered with photos of my family and friends. When I leave the house I will be going to a job I love, and I’ll return to a person I love. So, that’s the dream I’m working on.

    I am not plain, or average or – God forbid – vanilla. I am peanut butter rocky road with multicolored sprinkles, hot fudge and a cherry on top.

    To be understanding is more important than to be right. Sometimes, all a person needs is not a brilliant mind that speaks, but a patient heart that listens.

    How do people not curse? How is it possible? There are these gaps in speech where you just have to put a “fuck.” I’ll tell you who the most admirable people in the world are: newscasters. If that was me, I’d be like, “And the motherfuckers flew the fucking plane right into the Twin Towers.” How could you not if you’re a human being? Maybe they’re not so admirable. Maybe they’re robot zombies.

    Because, sometimes, there is no easy way out.  Sometimes, the only escape route is to go straight through the flames, just brace yourself and bite your lip.  Sometimes you have to sever the ties clean off.  Because in every relationship, there comes a point when the damage is too much and no matter how good it once was, the memories can’t sustain you.  You have to save yourself, knowing all the while it will hurt like hell.  Because you can’t keeping giving someone everything if you get nothing in return.

    You can do anything, but not everything.

    I don’t want to change you, I want you to grow up so I can depend on you.

    And I promise you this, no matter who enters your life, I will love you more than any of them.

    The reason why a seesaw was made for two persons is that when you go down, there would always be someone there to lift you up again.

    I know people everywhere that thought they got dealt a bad hand.

    Sometimes I wonder if boys have ever read the definition of “effort.”

    I just don’t feel like I know myself very well right now; so how can I be sure about anything? Most of the time I feel so awkward, you know; like I don’t belong in my own skin. And I get so frustrated at everything. I could just scream and there’s no reason for it.

    I don’t know what I want anymore. All I want to do is listen to music and watch the clouds go by, but that doesn’t pay the bills.

    It seems like everyone I know is ready to move onto the next level of life.. but is it too cynical for me to assume that it’s not going to be any better? In fact, I’m willing to bet it’s pretty much all downhill from here. After education it’s more education, for those who can afford it and who have the ability to go, and then after that it’s forty hour weeks. No more summer vacations. No more long lazy afternoons to do nothing. No more knowing that nothing really counts yet.

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