April 17, 2012

  • I just want love, nothing more nothing less

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    The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. The brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough.

    You never know where the next miracle is going to come from, the next smile, the next wish come true. But, if you believe it’s right around the corner, and you open your heart and mind to the possibility of it, to the certainty of it, you might just get the thing you’re looking for. 

    You are capable of doing extraordinary things as long as you leave yourself open to the possibility of doing something extraordinary.

    I would rather do something and find out that it was the wrong thing, than never know if it was the right thing.

    So, from now on, when you think of me, just remember that I could’ve been the best thing you ever had.

    History can repeat itself, and it will. Again and again, until you learn the lesson that life needs to teach you.

    It is the absolute worst feeling when someone hurts you and they have no idea they’re breaking your heart into a million pieces.

    No one is ever going to fess up that they miss you. Until he sees you with someone else. Then he will because then he just realized how good you were to him.

    Going into it, I never thought that it would have ended like that. After wanting someone for so long, it’s supposed to be perfect, right? And everything should last forever.

    I never told you this, and I never will, but all I want is for me to mean as much to you as she did. That’s all I ever wanted.

    Until you face all the mistakes you’ve made, you will never change.

    The trouble with resisting temptation is that you may not get another chance.

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