December 25, 2012

  • Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

    Any pain you are going through right now.. it will end. Take a deep breath. Think of that one bright, happy thing in your life, and smile. Live another day. It’s worth it.

    Congratulations, you won. I have finally stopped trying. You are out of my life. Probably forever. But just remember, that when you realize that you lost your best friend, it was your fault. Don’t you dare try and pin this on me. I have done my fair share of messing up, but this one, it’s not my fault whatsoever.

    You can’t judge my choices without understanding my reasons.

    It’s a beautiful mystery, how people find one another, how we can fall in love. We don’t know how it happens but it does ; all the pieces fit together and the world stops, and nothing else matters.

    Never be ashamed of what you feel. You have the right to feel any emotion that you want, and to do what makes you happy.

    I found myself when I lost you.

    The worst part of all of this is that i thought you were different. I believed you when you told me that you would stay and that was my biggest mistake.

    So I guess my heart is going back on the shelf for awhile and I’m going to try to be a stronger person. I’m not going to be made a victim in this situation, but I hate myself for being so weak. I just want to be somebody that someone is proud of. I just want to be able to defend myself without secretly agreeing with whoever is insulting me. Because right now, I do. I agree with every word.

    Someday someone is going to look at you with a light in their eyes you’ve never seen, they’ll look at you like you’re everything they’ve been looking for their entire lives. Wait for it.

    Love: multiply it by infinity and take it to the depths of forever and you still only have a glimpse of what I feel for you.

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